İletişim Formu


CODE : B001
  • Used to test the compression strength of concrete cubes/cylinders of different sizes.
  • ALFA is the first company in the world to manufacture Computer-Controlled Compression Testers.
  • The rigid design provides stability and strength for a better using experience.
  • The load frame, either monoblock or 4-column fabricated construction, carries the ball-seated upper platen which adjusts itself to apply homogeneous loading on the specimen.
  • The lower platen is located on the loading piston which protected against debris by a cover.
  • The ball seating and the lower platen assemblies are supplied in a way to match the capacity of the machine and the specimens to be tested, ensuring accurate alignment and stable repeatable testing.
  • All different models have been designed with reference to the International Standards (ASTM C39 and EN 12390-4), ensured that the machines can easily meet the standards and, where appliable, can be supplied with relevant certification for calibration accuracy and other parameters.
  • Supplied complete with spacer discs (Additional spacer discs can be ordered separately).




ASTM C39 • EN 12390-4