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CODE : A028
  • Used for sampling of asphalt, bitumen, or oil materials at points of manufacture, storage, or delivery.
  • Collecting samples is just as crucial as conducting tests, and it is essential to exercise precautions while obtaining them to accurately depict the true nature and condition of the materials. Bacon/Thief Samplers shall be used to obtain samples from the upper, middle, and lower sections of the tank, ensuring representation at different levels.
  • The Bacon/Thief Sampler is inserted into the tank with its bottom valve open. Once it reaches the desired depth, a quick snap tug on the lowering chain closes the bottom valve. The sampler is then taken out of the tank, and its contents are transferred to the sample container. This sampling method allows for repetitive sampling from the same tank if needed.
  • Samples are gathered for one of the following two objectives:
    • To closely approximate the average characteristics of the bulk materials being sampled.
    • To determine the maximum variation in traits exhibited by the material.


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ASTM D140 • EN 58 • AASHTO T40