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CODE : T058
  • Used to determine the in-place density of soil by the drive-cylinder method. The test involves obtaining an intact soil sample by driving a thin-walled cylinder into the soil and conducting specific measurements and calculations for the determination of in-place density
  • The apparatus can be used to determine the in-place density of soils which do not contain significant amounts of particles larger than 4.75 mm ( 3 ⁄ 16 in.), and which can be readily retained in the drive cylinder
  • The apparatus may also be used to determine the in-place density of compacted soils used in construction of structural fill, highway embankments, or earth dams. When the in-place density is to be used as a basis for acceptance, the drive cylinder volumes must be as large as practical and not less than 850 cm3 (0.030 ft3).


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ASTM D2937 • BS 1377-9