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PYCNOMETER (Bottle Type)

CODE : W015
  • A pycnometer (bottle type) in engineering testing laboratories is used to determine the density or specific gravity of liquids, powders, or solids. It consists of a sealed glass bottle with precise volume markings, allowing for accurate measurement when filled with the sample and weighed. This method is commonly used for precise measurements in materials testing, especially for liquids and fine powders.


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Item Code
PYCNOMETER (Bottle Type) - 500 ml W015G500H
PYCNOMETER (Bottle Type) - 1000 ml W015G01KH
PYCNOMETER (Bottle Type) - 2000 ml W015G02KH
PYCNOMETER (Bottle Type) - 3000 ml W015G03KH
PYCNOMETER (Bottle Type) - 5000 ml W015G05KH