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CODE : G038
  • Used:
    • To measure the total water content of fresh concrete
    • To provide an estimation of the total water content in the fresh concrete and, with the absorption of the aggregates determined, provides an estimate of the mixing water content
    • As a quality control tool to check the water content of as-delivered concrete and to calculate the water/cement ratio if the cement content of the tested concrete is known
    • To determine the water absorption of coarse and fine aggregates representative of the aggregates used in the concrete
  • The method consists of drying a test specimen of fresh concrete using a relatively high-power microwave oven within a short period of time. The difference in mass between the fresh and dry concrete test specimen will be the water content of that test specimen. Water content per unit volume of concrete can be determined by knowing the unit weight of that concrete
  • Supplied with Turntable for efficient and homogeneous operation
  • Equipped with Adjustable Timer
  • Power Level can be selected to suite the requirements of different applications


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  • Capacity: 20 lt
  • Power Supply: 220 - 240 V / 50 - 60 Hz