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CODE : A825
  • Used to simulate and reproduce the real compaction conditions under actual road paving operations, hence determining the compaction properties of the asphalt.
  • Such compaction is achieved in a fully automatic way, by combining the rotary action and the vertical resultant force applied by a mechanical head. The Compactor comprises a highly rigid steel frame ensuring excellent angle control.
  • Load is applied by an electro-pneumatic cylinder, servo-controlled by a precision pressure regulator; the height is measured by a linear transducer. Gyratory motion is generated by an eccentric high precision system allowing an easy set up with precision and constant angle of gyration.
  • The rotation speed is controlled by an inverter through on board computer control.
  • Using the proper perforated mould, the Compactor is able to run tests also on cold emulsified asphalt mix.
  • The acquired results are also employed in the investigation of volumetric and mechanical characteristics of the asphalt mix.
  • The touch-screen icon interface allows an easy set up of the parameters and an immediate automatic execution of the test, data acquisition andprocessing,  graphics and file. A remote test control is available trough a dedicated software, provided in bundle.


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ASTM D6925 • EN 12697-10 • EN 12697-31 • AASHTO T312