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CODE : B017
  • Concrete beam moulds are essential tools in civil engineering and construction for creating standardized concrete beam specimens. These specimens are used in various tests to determine the mechanical properties and behavior of concrete under different conditions.
  • Used in:
    • Flexural Strength Testing
    • Material Research and Development
    • Quality Control
    • Educational Purposes
  • Procedure for Use:
    • Preparation:
      • Clean the mould thoroughly to remove any debris or previous concrete residue.
      • Apply a release agent to the inside surfaces of the mould to prevent the concrete from sticking.
    • Assembly:
      • Assemble the mould securely to ensure it maintains the correct shape and dimensions during casting.
    • Casting:
      • Pour the concrete mix into the mould, ensuring it is evenly distributed and properly compacted to remove air pockets.
      • Level the top surface of the concrete and cover it to prevent moisture loss.
    • Curing:
      • Allow the concrete to cure in the mould for the specified period, maintaining the appropriate environmental conditions (temperature and humidity).
    • Demolding:
      • After curing, carefully remove the sides of the mould to release the concrete beam specimen.
      • Handle the specimen with care to avoid any damage before testing.
    • Testing:
      • Conduct the required tests (e.g., flexural strength test) on the concrete beam specimen using appropriate testing equipment.
    • Concrete beam moulds are indispensable for producing reliable and standardized specimens for testing the mechanical properties of concrete, ensuring the safety and quality of construction materials and structures.


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  • Made of steel